Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Goals for Today

- Your design must be a mixed use facility that will include a hotel, restaurant and spa.


Downtown Redevelopment Association

Main Street
Bowling Green, Kentucky


Galloway Motors
601 State Street
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Description of Property:

The structure is a Streamline Moderne style commercial building built ca. 1949. Built as Galloway Motor Co. and later home to Quick Lincoln Mercury, the property was purchased by the city of Bowling Green in 2003 and deeded to the DRA for use as its headquarters. The property is considered a cornerstone of Circus Square, the one block park planned to go between State and College streets and Sixth and Seventh avenues. The area became associated with the local automobile culture as a result of Frank and Henry Galloway moving their car and farm equipment dealerships from Fountain Square.

- As an honors student i am also required to do a capstone/thesis project. I plan to create the 44 page booklet as well as a research paper entitled:

Preserving historical buildings in downtown Bowling Green and the impact preservation has on the community and it’s heritage.

Last class as well as over the weekend i did a bit of research and found some inspirational photos. Since i am writing my paper on preserving historical buildings, i've decided that i want to go with a streamline moderne style design that incorporates classic elements of this period. For example, lots of chrome, curved lines, simplistic design with a small bit of ornament. I'd also like to incorporate fun, bright colors that will draw in a younger crowd as well as those who enjoy the streamline design.

Goals For today:
  • Listings of everything i need to include in each area
  • Possible bubble diagram
  • Find Font/Booklet Page labeling
  • Come up with a name for the hotel and areas of the hotel (restaurant , spa, possible bar area by lounge? Research Hotel names from the 30's-40's
  • Find color scheme (bright, funky, classic, exciting?)

I also NEED to do these things ASAP:
  • Honors Augmentation contract - print and get signed by the 5th?
  • Get everything off blackboard by the 8th from old classes.
  • Get thesis defense proposal signed asap

yay for being a senior and having way too much to do in the second week of school!

Back to the Beatle, Joe Walsh and Jimi to get me through the long day ahead of me...

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