Monday, March 16, 2009

NEW Project! Design Firm!

The Project:
You have finished school, completed your NCIDQ exam and have been granted registration in the state of Tennessee to practice Interior Design. You have decided to open a practice in Downtown Nashville located on 1802 Hayes Street in an existing building abandoned by the Nashville Health Department. The building is an open plan with existing restroom and mechanical room locations. You are very fortunate that you have a parking garage underneath the existing structure since many firms located in downtown Nashville pay to park. You have decided to align your practice with Herman Miller and have been given a sizeable furniture allowance to design your practice with. You will be the only Herman Miller partner in Nashville and will be a working showroom for them. You will want to design your firm in such a way that shows off your skills as an interior designer. You will want to remodel the existing restrooms and have some architectural expression in the building. Anyone entering the building will be able to see your design point of view.

So i've begun to work on my design firm and designing it to my tastes and my style. This has proven to be a bit harder than i originally expected. I have a wide variety of tastes so it was a little hard to come up with a theme for my design firm. Today i worked on my inspiration and concept statement as well as my border (which took forever but I'm VERY proud of!)
Cover Page

Site Description


Concept Statement

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