Monday, February 2, 2009


Your firm has been asked to refurbish and furnish the new offices of the Law Firm of Douglas, Marshall and Webster located in Lincoln, Nebraska. This Mid-west Law firm is geared towards the transitional style unlike most traditional law firms. However they still need to have the appearance of a successful business. The firm is located near the University of Nebraska campus in a historic building. The firm is located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the building.

I began this project last week and so far have come up with a concept, color scheme and page layout for my design. The inspiration page shows that I have decided to design for a law office that is focused on personal injury case
s. The office color scheme will be based off of a fabric swatch I found that I feel would be perfect for a transitional office space. This is also my first blog - ever - so bear with me for these first couple of posts til I get the hang of it!

Inspirational fabric

Inspiration page and Layout

1 comment:

SSFlener said...

Good job so far. See if you can correct the text by your layout.

Ms. Flener

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