Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Over the past week I've finished my electrical plan, space analysis and usage,and typicals. Throughout this project I have really had a rough time. It seems as if I finish one thing and then learn that i did something wrong and then i have to go back and redo it all again, wither it be t that i plot it wrong or i include the wrong information or too little information. I ran into this problem with my mechanical plans and the analysis /usage page. Lesson learned: Dont rush to finish pages because you'll probably have to go back and fix them later.

1st Floor Electrical Plan
2nd Floor Electrical Plan

Space Analysis and Space Usage

Furniture Typicals

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today I worked on my lighting and plumbing plans. While i was putting them together i also put together my pages that correlate with them that show the finishes, fixtures and the schedules. I've found that its a bit easier to knock out a bunch of pages when you work on the ones that relate at the same time like I've done today. In class we learned how to do a lighting grid which is a HUGE pain to do and trim but once its done it doesnt look too bad and it makes you feel like you've actually accomplished alot.

1st Floor Lighting Plan

2nd Floor Lighting Plan

Lighting Fixtures and Schedule

1st Floor Plumbing Plan

2nd Floor Plumbing Plan

Plumbing Fixtures and Schedule

Monday, February 16, 2009

Almost there!!!

I've been able to cross alot more off of my list since my last post. I have at least a third of it done, not including about 6 pages that I should be able to get done in class today. With the way that this project is organized, and of course being able to cross some pages off of my list (I'm a hardcore list-maker!) I feel like I'm doing okay on this project when concerning time. I'll probably have a different story by next Wednesday when its due! Here are a couple of the pages that I've gotten finished since last time... :)

Cover Page

Updated Inspiration page

1st Floor Plan

2nd Floor Plan

Mill work Design of Reception Desk

Hopefully today I will be able to get done the electrical plan, plumbing plan and the reflected ceiling plan. I also need to work on my finishes pages and perspectives. fun fun fun!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Your firm has been asked to refurbish and furnish the new offices of the Law Firm of Douglas, Marshall and Webster located in Lincoln, Nebraska. This Mid-west Law firm is geared towards the transitional style unlike most traditional law firms. However they still need to have the appearance of a successful business. The firm is located near the University of Nebraska campus in a historic building. The firm is located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the building.

I began this project last week and so far have come up with a concept, color scheme and page layout for my design. The inspiration page shows that I have decided to design for a law office that is focused on personal injury case
s. The office color scheme will be based off of a fabric swatch I found that I feel would be perfect for a transitional office space. This is also my first blog - ever - so bear with me for these first couple of posts til I get the hang of it!

Inspirational fabric

Inspiration page and Layout