Monday, May 18, 2009

Last Day!

Last day of class and we just presented our boards to each other with a bit if critique from Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Flener. Fun times and Finally finished!!! yay!!

Here are my 2 finished boards!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

3d Perspectives/renderings

Today I put finishing touches on my floorplan and found all my furniture that i needed in 3d. It took me quite a while to put together the perspectives but i'm actually very proud of them. i think they look pretty good. My favorite part - the books on the bookshelves! took forever but well worth it! This week before the project is due i'll be rendering, finishing lighting and electrical plan and finish my concept statement/research statement. Lots of work to do plus studying for all the other classes i have finals in! Wish me luck!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Research and Furniture Selections

Today i worked on finding bookshelves and furniture for my store. I found the couches, chairs, side tables, cafe table/chairs, and all of the bookshelves. I also worked on the custom checkout counter and started working on getting my floorplan together. I also found what i am going to do for my parti diagram. Overall today was pretty productive and I'm ready to finish the floorplan now that i have all the dimensions for the bookshelves and furniture.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Border, Bubbles, and Logo

Today I had soooooo many issues with the computer. Sometimes its so frustrating how much we rely on computers and technology to make it through the day. I didnt get much done today due to this but i did get my bubble diagram, my logo and name for the store (Page by Page) and my border laid out on the page. This project we are only doing 2 18" x 24" sheets so its going to be a challenge to get everything on there.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Project 3

The Project:

You are required to program and design for a retail business establishment at 1019 State Street, Bowling Green, KY. The 100 year old building is located in the commercial downtown historic district and falls under the rules and regulations of the design review for local historic districts. You are allowed to redesign the interiors with the exception of removing exterior windows, historic doors and the press tin ceiling and cove. The front awning can be replaced

according to the HPB guidelines.

So we've gotten our new project, to design a retail establishment in an existing historical building downtown on state street. My design will be of a new and used bookstore and cafe which i think will add a nice touch to the square downtown. So far i have done a bit of research as well as space planning to try and figure out how to design the building.

Here is my inspiration photos:

Monday, April 20, 2009


So I "finished" my project but i wasnt able to render. I moved over the past weekend from my old apartment to my new townhouse and between that and working about 30 hours every weekend, it was hard for me to stay caught up with everything else and studio too. Anyway, I did get my drawings and everything into 3d, they just arent rendered. Guess thats what i'll be doing in portfolio!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've finally picked out all the finishes for my design and put in all the legends and schedules as well as put together the furniture finishes page. I've also started to put together my 3d drawings and I'm unsure if i'll have time to render them before the project is due.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Electrical, Plumbing, Lighting

This past week I have gotten alot done, including my electrical plan, lighting plan, as well as lighting schedules and fixtures and plumbing schedules and fixtures. I also finished my restroom elevation this week. This upcoming 2 weeks i need to work on my finishes and schedules and getting my drawings into 3d and rendered.

Reflected Ceiling Floor Plan


Electrical Plan

Plumbing Schedule and Photos

Restroom Elevation

Monday, March 30, 2009

Over the past week i have really only finished my exterior elevation and furniture plan and schedule but i have also worked on my lighting and electrical plans which i will post finished next week.

Proposed Exterior Elevation

Finished Furniture Plan and Schedule

Monday, March 23, 2009


Since last week I've worked on my diagrams, tn building codes, and my floorplan. On this project we have to use Herman Miller and Kimball furniture. We also have to include ethospace work stations which have been a bit confusing for most of us but i think that i have designated enough space to include them all while still keeping the floorplan open and moveable.

Bubble Diagram

Parti Diagram

Blocking Diagram

TN Building Codes

Proposed Floorplan

Monday, March 16, 2009

NEW Project! Design Firm!

The Project:
You have finished school, completed your NCIDQ exam and have been granted registration in the state of Tennessee to practice Interior Design. You have decided to open a practice in Downtown Nashville located on 1802 Hayes Street in an existing building abandoned by the Nashville Health Department. The building is an open plan with existing restroom and mechanical room locations. You are very fortunate that you have a parking garage underneath the existing structure since many firms located in downtown Nashville pay to park. You have decided to align your practice with Herman Miller and have been given a sizeable furniture allowance to design your practice with. You will be the only Herman Miller partner in Nashville and will be a working showroom for them. You will want to design your firm in such a way that shows off your skills as an interior designer. You will want to remodel the existing restrooms and have some architectural expression in the building. Anyone entering the building will be able to see your design point of view.

So i've begun to work on my design firm and designing it to my tastes and my style. This has proven to be a bit harder than i originally expected. I have a wide variety of tastes so it was a little hard to come up with a theme for my design firm. Today i worked on my inspiration and concept statement as well as my border (which took forever but I'm VERY proud of!)
Cover Page

Site Description


Concept Statement

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So between getting my car fixed and equipped with new(ish) tires and finishing this project, its honest to say that I had a miserable spring break. No fun, No relaxing, just plain stress! I got to see my friends one time. Studio takes over your life. Even if its not supposed to. It does. My living room became my own personal oasis. BUT I AM FINISHED! Finished with this project and ready to go get it printed out tomorrow morning. I spent all break rendering. rendering. rendering. I at first started to use my markers and by the time i had finished rendering the lounge it was a hideous mess and i was completely unsatisfied with it. So i started over and used only colored pencil for these renderings. They aren't exactly what i wanted them to look like but they look a million times better than what those stupid markers allowed me to do. NEVER buy chartpak markers. they are WORTHLESS! Next project I am definitely trying to render on photoshop because I am just not skilled enough by hand.

Womens Restroom Elevation

Spot Rendered 1st Floor

Spot Rendered 2nd Floor

Waiting Room Perspective

Office Perspective

Conference Room Perspective

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This week, since last post, I've really only had time to work on my finishes. I've finally finished pulling together the finishes legends and schedules and putting together the finishes page. Its been a rough week before spring break. Today in class I put together my 3d perspectives (CapDesigner and the already 3d furniture is AMAZING!) It is kind of hard to get used to drawing in 3D. It seems like the more you use it, the easier it gets, just like CAD.

Next week is spring break. I'm going back home to louisville for the first time since christmas and it looks like I'm going to have to be holed up in the house doing renderings. Yay... :(

Interior Finish Schedule

Interior Finish Legend

Interior Finish Samples

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Over the past week I've finished my electrical plan, space analysis and usage,and typicals. Throughout this project I have really had a rough time. It seems as if I finish one thing and then learn that i did something wrong and then i have to go back and redo it all again, wither it be t that i plot it wrong or i include the wrong information or too little information. I ran into this problem with my mechanical plans and the analysis /usage page. Lesson learned: Dont rush to finish pages because you'll probably have to go back and fix them later.

1st Floor Electrical Plan
2nd Floor Electrical Plan

Space Analysis and Space Usage

Furniture Typicals

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today I worked on my lighting and plumbing plans. While i was putting them together i also put together my pages that correlate with them that show the finishes, fixtures and the schedules. I've found that its a bit easier to knock out a bunch of pages when you work on the ones that relate at the same time like I've done today. In class we learned how to do a lighting grid which is a HUGE pain to do and trim but once its done it doesnt look too bad and it makes you feel like you've actually accomplished alot.

1st Floor Lighting Plan

2nd Floor Lighting Plan

Lighting Fixtures and Schedule

1st Floor Plumbing Plan

2nd Floor Plumbing Plan

Plumbing Fixtures and Schedule